3 Kitchen Remodeling Tips from Our Experts

HomeSouthern Contracting Company Blog3 Kitchen Remodeling Tips from Our Experts

Our team at Southern Contracting Company knows how important your home is to you, and we’re passionate about helping our clients create the beautiful, functional spaces they want. If you’re thinking about tackling a kitchen remodeling project, you can count on us to bring your vision to life.

3 Kitchen Remodeling Tips from Our Experts

In this blog, we’d like to share a few of our top kitchen remodeling tips to help you achieve the stunning results that you deserve.

  • Check the Layout – One of the most important things to get right in a kitchen remodeling project is the layout. An inefficient layout can seriously impede your ability to use your kitchen, and it can make your space feel cramped and cluttered. We recommend arranging the refrigerator, sink, and stovetop in a triangular formation and including plenty of storage space to ensure that all items are within easy reach.
  • Use Ergonomic Design – Before tackling your kitchen remodeling project, we encourage you to follow ergonomic design principles. You want it to be as easy as possible to use your kitchen, so make sure the counters are at the right height to let you prepare food without hurting your back. In addition, consider placing anti-fatigue mats on the floor to cushion your knees.
  • Plan for Reality – Our third tip to make your kitchen remodeling project successful is to make all your plans based on how you will actually use the space, not how you’d like to use it in an ideal world. In other words, base your plans on the habits you have now, and don’t assume you’ll magically transform your lifestyle once the new kitchen is complete. For example, if you dislike cleaning, don’t choose all white surfaces.